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Das MALUMA-Konzert am 29.03.2022 in der Festhalle Frankfurt findet wie geplant statt!

Einlass nur mit 2G+ - Geimpft, genesen und zusätzlich getestet (Antigentest nicht älter als 24h, PCR nicht älter als 48h - wer geboostert ist, benötigt keinen Test!)

Auf allen Wegen in der Halle, am Platz und beim Anstehen auf den Zuwegen gilt eine Maskenpflicht, empfohlen wird FFP2.

Nur Verzehr von Speisen und Getränken darf die Maske abgenommen werden.



Bitte hier bestätigen

02.05.2021, Gelsenkirchen
Nordic Night at Amphitheater Gelsenkirchen


Location: Amphitheater Gelsenkirchen   
Grothusstraße 201, 45883 Gelsenkirchen
Einlass: 17:00 Uhr
Beginn: 18:00 Uhr
Ticket Preise: 54,00 € zzgl. Gebühren

Verlegt auf den 02.07.2022 - die Tickets vom 11.06.2020 und 02.05.2021 bleiben gültig!



As many of you might already have expected, our upcoming Nordic Night at Amphitheater Gelsenkirchen, Germany has to be rescheduled once again due to the current Covid-19 situation.
The new date is July 2nd, 2022. All tickets remain valid for the new date.

All the best from,
Einar & the whole Wardruna team



Einlass: 17:00
Beginn: 18:00

The new Wardruna album «Kvitravn» (White Raven) is set for worldwide release on January 22nd, 2021.

You can now pre order the album in various formats and bundles at https://wardruna.merchcowboy.com/all

For US customers please visit: wardruna.aisamerch.com

About the album:
FollowingKvitravn” musically continues where the Runaljod trilogy left off, yet it marks a distinct evolution in our sound. The album features a broad selection of both traditional and historical instruments such as Kravik-lyre, Trossingen-lyre, Taglharpa, Sotharpa, Langeleik, Crwth, Goat-horn, Lur, Bronze-lur, flute, Moraharpa and the record also features guest appearances by a small group of prominent traditional singers, spearheaded by Kirsten Bråten Berg, one of the most important custodians of Norwegian traditional song. Throughout eleven songs, Kvitravn discusses Northern sorcery, spirit-animals, shadows, nature and animism, the wisdom and meanings of certain myths, various Norse spiritual concepts, and the relation between sage and songs.

Einar Selvik comments the album:
"To recite and copy the past is not very difficult, but to understand and integrate ancient thoughts, tools and methods with real purpose into a creation that is relevant to the modern era is truly challenging and remains our prime goal in our work. Although the album carries a variant of my own totemic artist name, it has, in this context, little to do with me but rather refers to the symbolism and legends of sacred white animals found in Nordic and other cultures all over the world. These highly regarded ghostly creatures, whether a raven, snake, bear, moose, reindeer, elephant or lion - are in animist traditions seen as prophetic, divine messengers, and guardians representing renewal, purity and a bridge between worlds”


Ticketbestellung für Menschen mit Behinderung

Inhaber eines Behinderten-Ausweises, in dem die Erfordernis einer Begleitung eingetragen ist, erhalten die Begleiterkarte für unsere Veranstaltungen...
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Kinder- und Jugendschutz bei unseren Veranstaltungen

Wir freuen uns, dass auch Jugendliche unsere Veranstaltung besuchen und stellen uns daher - wie es vom Gesetzgeber gefordert wird...
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