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Das MALUMA-Konzert am 29.03.2022 in der Festhalle Frankfurt findet wie geplant statt!

Einlass nur mit 2G+ - Geimpft, genesen und zusätzlich getestet (Antigentest nicht älter als 24h, PCR nicht älter als 48h - wer geboostert ist, benötigt keinen Test!)

Auf allen Wegen in der Halle, am Platz und beim Anstehen auf den Zuwegen gilt eine Maskenpflicht, empfohlen wird FFP2.

Nur Verzehr von Speisen und Getränken darf die Maske abgenommen werden.



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28.04.2022, Köln
Ecdysis By Night Tour 2022

Infected Rain



Location: Helios 37   
Heliosstr. 37, 50825 Köln
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Ticket Preise: 20,00 € zzgl. Gebühren
Infected Rain         
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INFECTED RAIN’s next release will follow their aforementioned latest full-length album, Endorphin, released in 2019 and featuring multi-faceted fan favorites such as “The Earth Mantra”, “Passerby”, “Lure”, “Storm”, “Black Gold” and more. Fierce screams and growls, heavy riffs and pounding beats combined with ingenious samples make INFECTED RAIN’s style an energetic blend of the best modern metal styles the heavy music scene currently has to offer. Formed in 2008, the band made their first appearance on stage in the same year, performing a concert dedicated to Slayer. Countless shows all over Europe and Russia followed, alongside headlining slots at some of Europe's biggest festivals, until they gained the well-deserved attention of leading rock and metal label Napalm Records. INFECTED RAIN has released two EPs, several singles and four critically acclaimed full-length records to date.

Modern metallers DAGOBA are back! After putting their stamp on the metal scene with their unique blend of metal and neckbreaking grooves, relentlessly touring and sharing the stage with legendary acts like METALLICA, MACHINE HEAD, and IN FLAMES, DAGOBA have signed with leading Austrian metal label Napalm Records to bring their career to the next level. On the new single “The Hunt”, the four-piece is back with their most ambitious material yet: punishing vocals, groove and modern metal infused guitars and hard-hitting production make this song feel like DAGOBA are on top of their game, pushing their boundaries and incorporating electronic elements seamlessly into their groove metal formula! “The Hunt” will be available as a standalone single, as well as a limited 7” Vinyl that features an exclusive Remix of “The Hunt”, showcasing how far DAGOBA can take their electronic influences on their upcoming material – a must-have for true fans of modern metal!






Ticketbestellung für Menschen mit Behinderung

Inhaber eines Behinderten-Ausweises, in dem die Erfordernis einer Begleitung eingetragen ist, erhalten die Begleiterkarte für unsere Veranstaltungen...
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Kinder- und Jugendschutz bei unseren Veranstaltungen

Wir freuen uns, dass auch Jugendliche unsere Veranstaltung besuchen und stellen uns daher - wie es vom Gesetzgeber gefordert wird...
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Lance Butters

19.09.2024 - Dortmund

Battle Beast

Support: Serenity

Support: Brymir

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21.09.2024 - Köln

Des Rocs

Support: Pistols At Dawn

Support: Moon Fever

21.09.2024 - Köln

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21.09.2024 - Düsseldorf

Beste Freundinnen

22.09.2024 - Frankfurt am Main

Dolores Forever

22.09.2024 - Köln

Jordan Rakei

Support: Dhruv

23.09.2024 - Köln