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28.11.2024, Köln

Boy Bleach


Location: Helios 37   
Heliosstr. 37, 50825 Köln
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Ticket Preise: 22,00 € zzgl. Gebühren
Boy Bleach     

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East London’s Boy Bleach are back with a blistering new single ‘England’, an aptly-timed critique of the mediocrity that their home country has to offer,  out now on Nettwerk. 

Echoing the apathy and pessimism felt by many, the lyrics offer a snarling, tongue-in-cheek take on a life spent existing in the mundane.  Speaking about the single, Jimi says “as a country the majority of us are both fed up with the future as we see it and starved of the hope that it’ll change, go figure. We wrote ‘England’ to try and capture the essence of peculiarity in this stagnation, the blind acceptance of the cycle of mediocrity we’ve come to expect as standard. For all the progress claimed, the reality is we’ve regressed, and it feels like it’s been time for that stiff upper lip to split.

Boy Bleach are an East London born-and-raised alternative group made up of two sets of brothers (Lou & Jimi / James & Nick) and best friend JJ.  A musically eclectic group of council boys, a Portuguese immigrant and cockney-blooded Welsh lads.  Talented musicians in their own right, their Brit-icised alt-rock/punk sound is as diverse as their musical heroes – everything from Depeche Mode, Garbage, Blur, The Clash and Pistols to Kano and Gorillaz. With a natural flair for making gritty anthems, they manage to be both witty and brutally direct.




Ticketbestellung für Menschen mit Behinderung

Inhaber eines Behinderten-Ausweises, in dem die Erfordernis einer Begleitung eingetragen ist, erhalten die Begleiterkarte für unsere Veranstaltungen...
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Kinder- und Jugendschutz bei unseren Veranstaltungen

Wir freuen uns, dass auch Jugendliche unsere Veranstaltung besuchen und stellen uns daher - wie es vom Gesetzgeber gefordert wird...
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10.10.2024 - Köln


10.10.2024 - Köln


Support: THORE

11.10.2024 - Köln

Summer Cem

Support: Billa Joe

11.10.2024 - Köln

Micky Beisenherz

11.10.2024 - Frankfurt am Main

Arch Enemy

In Flames

Support: Soilwork

12.10.2024 - Düsseldorf



12.10.2024 - Münster


12.10.2024 - Köln