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21.03.2025, Köln
Plays Urban Dance Squad



Location: Helios 37   
Heliosstr. 37, 50825 Köln
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Ticket Preise: 30,00 € zzgl. Gebühren

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Rudeboy plays Urban Dance Squad ft. DJ DNA

After the break-up in 2006 Silver Surfinger Rudeboy, the MC of Urban Dance Squad will finally perform again with a complete Urban Dance Squad set that will include a mixture from all the 5 records UDS ever made. Not only Rudeboy will join this party but also the original DJ DNA, master of turntables. After a succesfull club and festival tour the last two years in France, Spain, Servia, Belgium and The Netherlands the band will play a lot more shows in 2024.

Urban Dance Squad was a Dutch rap rock band formed after what was originally intended as a one-time jam-session at a festival in Utrecht on December 20, 1986. The band consisted of a guitarist, bassist, drummer, rapper, and DJ. Their music is described as a blend of genres including funk, soul, heavy metal, hip hop, reggae, jazz and ska. Urban Dance Squad was one of the most successful Dutch bands of the nineties, releasing five studio albums and toured extensively especally in France, Germany and the US.

Urban Dance Squad first got together in 1986, at a jam session in De Vrije Vloer, a club in Utrecht, a jam which resulted in the first Dutch rock band with a rapper (they borrowed the name from Parliament-Funkadelic's Urban Dancefloor Guerillas); a song, "Struggle for Jive"; and the blending of white and black music in the Netherlands, at the same time that Fishbone, Living Colour, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers were doing the same in the United States. The band recorded its first album, Mental Floss for the Globe, in Brussels in 1989 (produced by Jean-Marie Aerts, of TC Matic), and came to instant success. It won an Edison Award, and the single "Deeper Shade of Soul" was a hit in Europe, and in the United States, where it charted at number 21 on the Billboard Hot 100. Two more singles were released from the album, and Urban Dance Squad toured the US in 1991, opening for Living Colour--The Pittsburgh Press described their music as "refried Zeppelin riffs and neo-Hendrix guitar solos complete with sound effects and old soul records to produce an exceedingly loud, densely packed, dissonant garage-rock stew."

In the middle of the band's career, to capitalize on the success of grunge and alternative rock, Urban Dance Squad released Persona Non Grata in January 1994. All of the tracks feature heavy use of distortion and guitar. The singles "No Honestly" and "Candy Strip Experience." were released, the latter single being released as a radio edit that cuts most of the pre-song noise.

Artantica saw release in 1999, and was a return to the band's hip-hop roots, and received critical acclaim. Urban Dance Squad disbanded the following year, though they did perform together again as late as 2006.

Silver Surfinger Rudeboy

After Urban Dance Squad disbanded in 2000 Rudeboy joined Junkie XL for 2 records and did a lot of touring with them. After Junkie XL, Rudeboy made records with The League Of XO Gentlemen (Smiling At The Claptrap Circuses, 2003) and Club Of High Eyebrows (Older Now, 2007), The Phantom Four & The Arguido (Sounds From the Obscure 2012) and The Cold Vein (simple trick more voodoo 2022).




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Support: Stesy

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Kat Frankie

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Support: Omnium Gatherum

Support: Hinayana

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Thomas Quasthoff Quartett

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The Halo Effect

Support: Panchiko

Support: Bloodred Hourglass

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