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Das MALUMA-Konzert am 29.03.2022 in der Festhalle Frankfurt findet wie geplant statt!

Einlass nur mit 2G+ - Geimpft, genesen und zusätzlich getestet (Antigentest nicht älter als 24h, PCR nicht älter als 48h - wer geboostert ist, benötigt keinen Test!)

Auf allen Wegen in der Halle, am Platz und beim Anstehen auf den Zuwegen gilt eine Maskenpflicht, empfohlen wird FFP2.

Nur Verzehr von Speisen und Getränken darf die Maske abgenommen werden.



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16.03.2025, Köln
From The New World - European Tour


Support: Atlas


Location: MTC   
Zülpicher Str. 10, 50674 Köln
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Ticket Preise: 23,00 € zzgl. Gebühren
Support:  Atlas       
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Weitere Termine:
19.03.2025-Frankfurt am Main


Formed in 2020, Allt is a progressive metalcore band from Karlskoga, Sweden, known for their audiovisual storytelling and innovative approach to the genre. The name "Allt," meaning "everything" in Swedish, embodies the band's philosophy of never being confined by genre boundaries. Their music draws inspiration from the world around them, incorporating stories and myths that span the ages into conceptually rich compositions. Their highly anticipated debut album From The New World is out now via Century Media Records.

Since their inception, Allt has toured extensively across Europe and the UK, sharing the stage with bands like Bleed from Within and Animals As Leaders. With their debut album, From The New World, now released, Allt will embark on their From The New World European Tour from March 2nd to 23rd, 2025, with shows across Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, the UK, France, and more.

Commenting on the tour, guitarist Olle Nordström says, "We've been working towards this moment for years, and the chance to finally bring From The New World to life on our own headline tour feels surreal. We're excited to share this journey with our fans across Europe and the UK.”

Allt are currently on tour supporting Swedish metalcore band Imminence on The Black Tour, offering audiences a first glimpse of their new album in a live setting.


ATLAS is a 5-piece Modern Metal band from Finland.

These messengers of melancholy have bridged the gap between ancient and modern worlds with their innovative sound that takes the rawness and mysticism of Finnish folklore and poetry and infuses it with the crushing rhythms, colossal production and captivating melodies of modern metal.




Ticketbestellung für Menschen mit Behinderung

Inhaber eines Behinderten-Ausweises, in dem die Erfordernis einer Begleitung eingetragen ist, erhalten die Begleiterkarte für unsere Veranstaltungen...
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Kinder- und Jugendschutz bei unseren Veranstaltungen

Wir freuen uns, dass auch Jugendliche unsere Veranstaltung besuchen und stellen uns daher - wie es vom Gesetzgeber gefordert wird...
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17.01.2025 - Dortmund


Support: Omnium Gatherum

Support: Hinayana

17.01.2025 - Oberhausen

Thomas Quasthoff Quartett

17.01.2025 - Frankfurt

The Halo Effect

Support: Panchiko

Support: Bloodred Hourglass

18.01.2025 - Köln


Support: Stesy

18.01.2025 - Bochum

Turmion Kätilöt

Support: King Satan

18.01.2025 - Essen

Turmion Kätilöt

Support: King Satan

19.01.2025 - Köln

Turmion Kätilöt

Support: King Satan

21.01.2025 - Frankfurt am Main