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Das MALUMA-Konzert am 29.03.2022 in der Festhalle Frankfurt findet wie geplant statt!

Einlass nur mit 2G+ - Geimpft, genesen und zusätzlich getestet (Antigentest nicht älter als 24h, PCR nicht älter als 48h - wer geboostert ist, benötigt keinen Test!)

Auf allen Wegen in der Halle, am Platz und beim Anstehen auf den Zuwegen gilt eine Maskenpflicht, empfohlen wird FFP2.

Nur Verzehr von Speisen und Getränken darf die Maske abgenommen werden.



Bitte hier bestätigen

07.04.2025, Köln



Location: YUCA   
Bartholomäus-Schink-Straße 65, 50825 Köln
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Ticket Preise: 26,00 € zzgl. Gebühren

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The Secret Our Bodies Hold - album tour 2025

Asbjørn's new album, The Secret Our Bodies Hold, is a manifestation of personal liberation, and the self-proclaimed pop rebel is now embarking on a tour to explore vulnerability and strength together with his audience — something he masters like few others. Playfulness, intimacy and dancing go hand in hand in Asbjørn’s approach to pop music.

"On the album, as well as on this tour, I dance my way towards vulnerability and translate movement into music, with all the wildness and unpredictability it brings — this will be the heart and soul of the show," says Asbjørn.

He grew up surrounded by rhythms from all over the world, Madonna, Spice Girls, and David Bowie on the TV screen, and a Schubert score on the family piano. His own first songs were about being a different kind of young boy and the courage it takes to stand by oneself. At 19, he started his own record label to maintain his creative freedom and established a pop laboratory where polyrhythms, melancholy, and electronic playfulness collide. A journalist once called him "a modern critic's dream," and his albums are described as "CPR for a genre at risk of losing its edge" and "an ode to all those who don't fit in."

After 12 years as a pop rebel, Asbjørn has made a name for himself with his fourth album. His show at a Danish showcase festival (SPOT Festival) was named one of the festival's 5 best concerts, he graced the cover of Danish music magazine GAFFA, and he made his debut at the prolific Roskilde Festival in the summer of 2024, where he was also joined on stage by Brimheim. Together they performed the duet New Moon, Same Old Me, which was one of the most played songs on Danish Natioanal radio over the summer of 2024.

The album The Secret Our Bodies Hold was released on November 1, 2024 via Asbjørn's own label, Body of Work. The album is produced by Asbjørn and Steffen Lundtoft (Lowly) and mixed by Rangleklods.




Ticketbestellung für Menschen mit Behinderung

Inhaber eines Behinderten-Ausweises, in dem die Erfordernis einer Begleitung eingetragen ist, erhalten die Begleiterkarte für unsere Veranstaltungen...
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Kinder- und Jugendschutz bei unseren Veranstaltungen

Wir freuen uns, dass auch Jugendliche unsere Veranstaltung besuchen und stellen uns daher - wie es vom Gesetzgeber gefordert wird...
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08.12.2024 - Köln


09.12.2024 - Dortmund

Alpha Females

11.12.2024 - Düsseldorf


Support: Pajel

13.12.2024 - Köln


14.12.2024 - Düsseldorf

Big Sleep

14.12.2024 - Köln


16.12.2024 - Frankfurt am Main


Support: Pajel

Support: Billa Joe

17.12.2024 - Frankfurt